I've found a few more cute Teacher ideas that would make adorable little end-of-the-year teacher gifts that were WAY too cute not to share! I think I'll keep them handy for next year as well. I know from experience that it's always nice getting little things like this from students :)
Below is a "TEA"cher Card. I'd probably print a cute message to post on the front of the tea cup as well...
This idea came from Family Fun. Instructions here..."Tea"cher Card
The next two fun ideas came from The Domesticated Lady. How cute are these water bottles? And what a refreshing idea for all the wonderful teachers out there now that the weather is warming up around the country...those classrooms can get HOT!

Here is the link... TEA-riffic Teacher Water Bottles
And then there's this sweet treat... We definitely do need S'more great teachers!

Link with template...s'more Teachers Like You
Hope your little ones are enjoying the end of the school year & looking forward to summer vacation!
Enjoy! s.b.
Very cute! Think I'll be using the tea one this year :)