
Contact Paper Kites

These cute kites require many steps, but they are all fairly simple. M1 & her friend "A" loved making them. After the project was finished I decided to add a string to the top of the kite so she could run with it while holding on to the string. Definitely gave her the feeling of flying her kite.
Supplies- *Contact Paper, *Construction Paper, *Scissors, *Sequence, *Stickers, *Feathers, *Thin Ribbon, *Markers, *Coffee Filters, *H2O Spray Bottle
1. Cut out an outline of a kite using the construction paper. (Seen Below)
2. Place the kite outline on the contact paper with the sticky side up.
3. Give the little ones time to decorate the kite by laying sequence, stickers, etc. on the sticky contact paper. (Unfortunately I didn't take pictures of the girls decorating... lots going on & M2 was not happy during that time!)

4. Once it's all decorated, place another piece of contact paper over the sticky side to seal the decorations in. Trim off the extra around the edges of the kite.
5. Punch a hole in the bottom of the kite & attach a 2 1/2 foot piece of string.
6. Now the ties... use washable markers to color all over a coffee filter, pictured below.

7. Take the colored filters outside & spray with water.
8. Allow them to dry.
9. Once the filter is dry, cut out 3-4 oval/rectangular pieces. Discard the scraps.
10. Pinch each piece together in the center & tie onto the kite string as shown below.
11. Done & ready to fly around the yard!
As I mentioned earlier, I did fasten a string to the top of the kite also. M1 & A had a great time flying their kites around the yard!
Enjoy! s.b.

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